Best Math Songs for High School

My students know I love teaching with songs. They find it silly, but it sticks! I hear them humming during tests and secretly singing to themselves. These are my favorite songs to use in high school math classes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and find them useful in your classroom.

Let’s face it, jingles are catchy. Why do you think they are used so often in advertising? 

I find myself humming catchy jingles after listening to commercials all the time! The same is true for our students. These math songs are catchy and we can’t help but sing along!

Students can also learn through song. I remember singing along to a CD in my high school Spanish class. I can still sing the yo “go verbs” well over 15 years later. School House Rock is also popular in education to help students learn!

These following math songs are good for review, reinforcing a concept, and introducing a new topic. I hope you enjoy and find one to use in your classroom.

1. Math Songs for Algebra

The Logarithm Song is one of my favorite math songs! My students really like this song and I play it a couple times during our logarithm unit.

Do yourself a favor and follow Michael Bautista on YouTube! He has so much great content.

The Quadratic Formula Song is truly a classic. I wonder how many students went through high school without singing the quadratic formula song? This version is the best one! I have so many former students tell me this is the one thing they remember most out of their high school math career.

2. Math Songs for Geometry

The Circle Song is a song I play over and over again. Anytime we have to do area or circumference of a circle it gets played! It is very common for students to not know how to calculate the area and circumference of a circle when they enter my class, but they will know it forward and backward for years to come!

SOH CAH TOA Song repeats SOH CAH TOA and the trig ratios over and over and over again. It is sure to get your students to remember the trig ratios! This one annoys my students, but it is perfect for reinforcing the trig ratios so students remember them.

3. Math Songs for Higher Level Math Classes

Gettin’ Triggy Wit It is a classic for introducing trigonometry. My students enjoy it.

Follow WSHS math on YouTube because they have great stuff!

The Unit Circle Coordinates Song is really catchy and cute. My students really like all the songs from Michael Bautista. Follow his YouTube page because he has so much content on there!

I Will Derive! Is a really cute song for calculus. It reinforces the idea of derivatives. 

Wake me up! Trigonometry is a cute song about evaluating trig functions using the unit circle and relating it to special right triangles. 

Ok, so I’ve sang this song with my students for years. It was something we made up in a summer workshop and I got the crazy idea to make my own video for it. Hopefully it helps your students also! I am not musically inclined, so this was totally out of my comfort zone!!

Looking for a list of helpful math resources?

You don’t want to miss out on this Google Slides Binder.

Do you have a favorite math song you use in your high school math classroom? I’d love to hear what it is in the comments! 

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